Psychologist Near Me
If you have just typed ‘Find a Psychologist Near Me’ into Google, you may have landed on this webpage. Our psychologists operate virtual appointments via Zoom. If you are finding it difficult to locate a physical psychologist near you, the next best solution might be to meet one of our clinical psychologist virtually, via Zoom.
Find a psychologist near me. Have you ever thought about making a Zoom appointment with a psychologist. Our psychologists regularly use Zoom and find that virtual sessions can help just as much as meeting people in person.

Our psychologists offer virtual appointments via Zoom on a regular basis
Our clinical psychologists have extensive experience in offering online sessions and have discovered that in most cases therapy can work just as efficiently as a meeting in person. So, if you are finding it difficult to locate a London Psychologist, a Manchester Psychologist or indeed a psychologist based in any area of the country, as long as you have access to a good internet line, we can help you. We can also offer telephone appointments if required.
We are registered to offer psychological therapies with major insurance companies, BUPA, and AVIVA. If you are looking to fund your sessions privately, this is something that we can also arrange. Payments for sessions are usually paid directly to our bank account, (details supplied on enquiry).
Our psychologists have found that many distressing psychological difficulties can be resolved online, for example, work-related stress, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, OCD, even post-traumatic stress. We discovered during the Covid epidemic that even emotional processing approaches such as EMDR can be used online with high degrees of success.
Finding a psychologist near me does no longer needs to be as difficult as before or involve stressful travelling. We can usually offer an initial assessment appointment online within a week to 10 days. (Appointments can often be arranged slightly more rapidly as there is no necessity to book a room for physical meetings.)